Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.


Letters Anonymous is an online community for people to submit their letters anonymously.There is something honest and pure about writing a letter. Letters have an intentional reader and are crafted with purpose, time and dignity. They can be playful…

Letters Anonymous is an online community for people to submit their letters anonymously.

Letters have an intentional reader and are crafted with purpose, time and dignity. They can be playful, serious, nostalgic, poignant or confessionary. They can be open letters to society or personal letters to the people you love, miss or never met.

Letters may be addressed to someone else but they are a sounding board for ourselves. In a world where we often struggle to connect and listen to each other, letters can fill that gap.

Everyone has a letter to write. To write yours click here.

Update, Jan 2024

Thank you so much for supporting this website. It will always be free to use. However, due to an exponential increase in letters over the last few years, there is currently a large backlog of letters to be published. Please save a copy of your letter elsewhere if you would like to re-read it as there is no guarantee it will be published.

The website is completely free and will never have advertisements. I fund the £££s of website fees with my own money and update the site in my spare time, because I believe we should all have an outlet to express ourselves. If you’d like to support and help keep Letters Anonymous you can Buy Me a Coffee. I’d really appreciate it ❤️

If you would like to support or collaborate in another way, please email Rebecca at info@lettersanonymous.com or or fill out this contact form.

How does it work?

You can write your anonymous letter here. If it is selected for posting on the site, it will be proof-read and posted in due course, providing it does not contain any offensive language or personal details.

To read all published letters, visit the letters page.

For letter-writing tips visit the letterspiration page.

This website is intended to be a safe space to share thoughts and feelings anonymously. Be kind to yourself when reading or writing letters. If you need support with your mental health or are worried about someone, please visit out Support Services page.

You can find Frequently Asked Questions here.

My story

Hello, my name is Rebecca and I created Letters Anonymous in 2018 because I craved a safe space to write out my thoughts and help people feel less alone in their private struggles.

The first letter that appeared on the website was a letter I wrote to my brother, who had been suffering with severe OCD and depression for many years.

I worried about him everyday. I could see that the love and support my family and I were giving to him was not getting through. We felt helpless watching his quality of life deteriorate as he sunk deeper into the illness. I wanted to write him a letter to show him how much I cared. So he could look back in the future and remember how far he’d come.

I also wanted to write a letter because I knew we weren’t the only one experiencing something like this. So I created this website and sent him the link to the letter. It helped us both.

Since then my brother’s mental health has vastly improved (thanks to specialist therapy and medication, amongst other things) and Letters Anonymous has grown into a lovely little corner of the internet where people can read and write letters about anything they want to get off their mind.

In doing so, I hope we can feel more connected to the other humans we share this planet with 💚

Letters Anonymous was created by rebecca, who believes in the healing power of human connection and sharing our experiences in reflective and restorative ways. You can Buy me a coffee here.

Illustrations for this website were created by Wildflower Illustration Co.