Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.

A, My First Love

Dear... A, My First Love


I heard first loves weren't meant to be, but you'll end up missing them for as long as you can fathom.

My short baby, you were my favorite. A glowing beacon in the midst of a storm, the one who carried me through the hardest times. No one can ever compare to you. But I know that our past selves will never return. I'll never get to see the two of us together, hanging out near the edge of the water. With you, there was an indescribable feeling of joy that lifted my spirits and made my heart swell. I felt fragile, as though I could never live without you. I was so deeply in love with you and still miss you to this day.

Every passing autumn makes me think of you - despite the barren environment where hexagonal paths align, the falling leaves, the bitterness of the cold - you warmed my days. I'm content with my present but secretly, all I can dream of is you. Us. They said we had no chemistry, but I believe there was something between us that I will never be able to replicate with anyone else. It was quiet; yet it reverberated through us, lasting till this day. My love, I would fly across the world to you if I could. I wonder if you think of me often. Now, I collect too many autumn leaves as a keepsake of our youth and days...

To you, I pay my gratitude for teaching me love.

I think you're so beautiful.

From... Little Bell