Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.

My Past

Dear... My Past


I've been reflecting a lot on how far I've come recently.

It's strange to think about how vastly difference I am now to who I once was. Who you currently are.

I'm so grateful to you, you did your utmost to keep me going, even when that would have looked like the bare minimum to anyone else looking in. It's because of you I've been able to grow so much, and I will continue to do so.

I want our growth to continue, and I wonder what person I will be when I reflect back on myself in this moment here and appreciate once again what I have been able to accomplish for myself.

You were defensive, self conscious, and had so little faith in yourself that your entire sense of worth was based on others. But you questioned these aspects of yourself and push yourself to expand your comfort zone. Step by tiny step.

And because of that I can be so free now. I can laugh at myself without fear of my own judgement. I can express confidence in own abilities while recognising that I should still continue to improve myself. And I can make those improvements and I can try new things because you learnt to stop letting your fear holding you back.

While I cannot wait for you to have all of these experiences I also don't want to rush you. You're so young and it's important to make mistakes. Be in the moment as often as you can when joy comes your way, even though it doesn't often feel like it at the moment you are still surrounded with love.

From... The person you never thought you'd be