Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.

To Anyone Who Reads This... And My Future Self

Dear... Anyone Who Reads This... And My Future Self


I just wanted to say that you are loved.

You may not think it’s true, but someone does love you. It could be a school crush, or your friends, or your family. But please just remember that someone does truly care for you.

I know my friends care for me and love me (as friends) and maybe an old teacher still remembers you and maybe cares for you!

This letter is very, very short and I do not like talking in this sweet way.

I feel free now! Okay yeah! I don't know what to write about...

Maybe to my future self, I hope you find happiness and joy in your life and maybe you can have more courage to stand up for yourself in time. I hope that when you are in your thirties you have friends that love you and care for you. I hope you find your true self instead of just trying to fit in. I hope you care for your friends as deeply as I do right now. I hope that maybe when you struggle you always find the light in the darkness. I hope you still love Harry Potter or any other kind of anime. I hope that when you are in college you can find love and peace and live as a community in your college. I hope that you can still play a string instrument later on. I hope that you are still into reading. And if you are not then that is totally fine. I hope that you are having fun and living your life to its fullest being your best self everyday.

I really do hope that you love your life and want to fight for it. I really hope that the Earth won't be polluted with too many problems to solve. I hope you are enjoying and embracing you body because who honestly cares what anyone says. I hope that you get rid of all these negative feeling.

I hope for these things


They are who I am. They are the opposite of me right now. A sleep deprived and depressed weirdo.

From... From some random kid