Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.

My Little Brother

Dear... My Little Brother


I don't think you'll ever know how proud I am of you. I've watched you grow into such a good person who has a heart of gold. You’re the kind of person that only comes around once every thousand years.

I hope your friends appreciate everything you do for them. I hope our parents are as proud of you as I am. I hope you know how loved you are.

I know that you'll do great things in life and I hope you always follows your dreams. You are the best person I know and the kind of person I want to be when I grow up. I hope you find the love of your life and that they treat you how you deserve to be loved.

I know sometimes we fight and get mad at each other but I can't think of having anyone as a better brother. I am so proud of you and I love you so much. I know I don't show you that enough but you deserve to know it.

I'm really going to miss you next year when I go to college, and I know this year is the last year that we'll still really talk. I will miss it so much.

I know you think I'm annoying when I ask you to go to Target with me or have a games night but I'm trying to spend as much time with you as I still can. I know you’re at the age now when hanging out with your sister isn't cool, but just know that I'll always be there for you no matter what.

I know you’re going to grow up into a even better person than you already are.

From... Your big sister