Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.


Dear... Amy


I know we only met once for a few hours. I'm sorry I made such a futile attempt to try to get to know you and date you eventually. I was genuinely enamoured by you, but you didn't know me enough to trust what I was saying. Add the fact that I'm in a relationship, it sounded like I was after an affair.

I wish I'd outright told you that my relationship had a definite ending. Would that have changed the outcome? I don't know. Probably not because I'd effectively be asking you to wait for me.

In hindsight, there was no scenario where a 'yes' was the right answer. Even worse, I dug an even deeper hole for myself after that with my words and actions. That was a phenomenal fail on my part. I'm not perfect; my performance was a prime example of that.

If I can take it all back, I would, seriously. If I can do it all again, I would've sat still with my feelings for you. I would've waited for the right moment to ask, long after my relationship was over. Now, I'm afraid I've lost any opportunity to try and be with you, forever.

What's going to hold me back from trying again? It's being rejected by you a second time. I just can't.

I hope the universe sends me a sign to try again. Or even better, if it delivered me you a second time, I won't mess up my chance. 

If we fall in love, I'll make you the happiest woman alive. If we end up together, you'll be cherished and loved forever.

From... That bomb at pool