Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.

My Dumping Site

Dear... My Dumping Site


It's hard to feel okay, and to deal with everything. Going out makes me feel alive, it feeds my sadness. I go out to forget everything. It makes me live the moment.
When the pandemic happened, I was happy because there was no school, but then it lasted years and that drained me at home.
Being at home with the people who made me feel that I am not enough. That's why my house does not feel home anymore.
I hate being at home, I hate the feeling of going home at the end of the day.
That's why I'm envious of my friends, not because of financial matters, it's because of family.
They are supportive, and do not abuse them emotionally.
That time during the pandemic when I attempted to end me.

From... None