Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.

Letter Therapy

Dear... Letter Therapy


I’m living through a time in my life where it feels like the days just come and go, over and over. Wake up, exist, go to sleep. Again and again. It’s hard not to feel like these days are wasted, while also being cognisant that there aren’t a finite number of days. So much and so little can happen in a day. How to make the most of each one? Is resting, thinking, aching, tending to pets or plants… are they wasted days? Are they full, vibrant days? What counts?

It’s been a while since I wrote a letter to myself (or anyone else) and I can feel the tension peeling off with every word I type. It feels good to articulate oneself. To feel part of a punnet of souls, not so much lost but searching. We’re all here, not in faces or names, but in words consciously selected that connect our human experiences, helping us paddle through our emotions together.

Behind each keyboard is a living, breathing, laughing, loving person. Not a robot, not an automation but a person trying to get through the day or week or year. Keep writing petal. You are more delicate and strong than you think. You’ll grow your own way and that’s just fine.

From... someone who thinks about you often