Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.

Anyone Who Goes Through a Hard Time Loving Themselves

Dear... Anyone Who Goes Through a Hard Time Loving Themselves


Hey buddy!
I know how you are feeling, you feel like you'll never be good enough or that you'll never achieve anything great in you life etc.
I know this feeling.
I feel it everyday.
There have been moments when you just wanted it all to end. 
I know.
And yet you’re still here!
You’re a fighter!
You’re a survivor!
If you are here, reading this letter right now, that means so much already!
Every day that you've lived matters.
Every little thing that you do matters.
Every time you wake up matters.
Every time you brush your teeth or shower matters.
Every time you socialize matters.
You are a great person and even if you don't think so, it’s still true.
Even if you made mistakes or screwed up, it doesn’t matter. 
Everyone makes mistakes.
Everyone screws up.
It’s normal.
Don’t hate yourself just because you made a mistake.
Ending things is a permanent answer to temporary mistakes or problems.
Things will eventually get better.
You are loved.
Even if you don’t think so there will always be someone that will love you.
You are capable of great things you just have to really believe it.
I know its hard.
But you need to stay strong.
Do things that bring you joy.
Start having hobbies.
It helps a lot.
And if you feel like you have lost interest in everything in the world, its okay! 
I felt it too.
Try new things even if you think you wont be good at them!
Whatever passion you have, whatever interest or hyperfixation you have, someone will be there to listen.
Even if you don’t have that person right now, they will come around eventually.
If you are misunderstood by your parents, family, peers, friends, anyone, it’s okay. 
There are other people like you.
Remember! You are not alone!
I went through all of this.
I understand how you feel.
To anyone who is a part of the LGBTQ+ community:
Stay strong!
I believe in you!
I love you!
I care for you!
If you need someone to talk to then write letters here.
Sometimes it’s good to get things off your chest.
Please stay strong and fight until you win.
And I know you will.

Sending lots of love and care.
You matter.

From... Your friend