Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.

The Girl Who Supposedly Likes Me

Dear... The Girl Who Supposedly Likes Me



It seems like we're the same people. We both like Marvel, we both like to write poetry, listen to musicals, sketch, and paint. It sounded like absolute heaven for me. Here was this person, that had the same interests as me, and it was someone that I could tolerate. That's you.

Yet, here's the issue.

Even though it feels like we're the same person, we are not the same person. You, have this "meme" energy. It kind of makes me disgusted to say that. Memes are okay, in some situations. Yet there are better ways to express yourself than through fucking memes. USE YOUR WORDS. Tell me what you're thinking, even if I don't ask you. Just don't send those stupid Italian man memes. It doesn't make me laugh, it's not funny. It will never be funny for me. Stupid shit does make me laugh, however, you don't make me laugh. Not like he does. Not like she does. Not like the rest of my friends do.

And you don't read my texts for like, eight hours at a time. I kind of get that, as, during all of this quarantine, you want to be productive. Although, whenever you DO actually text me, it's one of those stupid meme pictures, or just you saying "what's up?" and then after like 2 responses, you're just like "goodnight! :)" Like, I want to talk to you. I want to have a conversation with you, and we aren't going to get that when you don't even talk to me. I know that I'm being stupid. But young love is also stupid. And I can't do this.

So we're not going to be anything.
I'm done.

From... me