Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.

Best Friend

Dear... Best Friend


My favorite time of the year is the worst time of year for you. My least favorite, least familiar form of affection is the one you crave most. The thing I’m worst at is the thing you need the most.

How the hell we became best friends is honestly baffling. I love you beyond measure and I wish I could just make things right. I know I could do and say all of the things to be the best version for you. I just couldn’t do that while being authentic.

How did things get to this point? I think I know, but I can’t say those words to you. Not without risking you walking away for good. I’d rather be uncomfortable some of the time with you than ever know a life without you. I need you.

From... Former best friend