Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.

Someone Who Needs It

Dear... Someone Who Needs It


Reading your letter, it’s almost like it came from me. I don’t know how old you are, where you live, and what your life looks like. However, I can understand the hurt, and perhaps even the dread that overcomes you sometimes.

I’m sorry that you feel alone, and maybe it’s more than just a feeling. For myself, I also feel alone in this world, but it’s because I mostly am.

I have no mother or father anymore, I don’t speak to my sibling, I don’t have cousins or grandparents or aunts and uncles. It feels scary to not have people in your life that are supposed to be there and care for you no matter what.

I also don’t really have friends. My childhood trained me in a way in that makes it hard for me to make and maintain friendships. I think of myself as such a kind, loving person, yet I have nobody to give that to. 

I’m the type of person that notices. I’m the person that would notice your absence from social media and find a way to get in touch with you to make sure you feel seen. I’ve done it before. I too, sometimes feel and wish that I had another me in this world. I know if I had another me, I wouldn’t feel so lonely. 

I know how hard it is to not feel seen. To feel as if people don’t understand you and all of your complexities.

I hope you know that today, I thought of you. Today I wrote you this letter after reading yours. Today you are not alone, and you may not even know it yet. 

I hope you keep that in mind whenever you feel lonely. There may be so many people that are sending you letters, maybe it just hasn’t been received by you yet. I think that’s why I found myself on this website. I am online searching for letters from people that maybe cared about me, but never got the opportunity to tell me. Hoping. It’s okay to be desperate for love and to yearn for care by others.

I hope you see this. I hope you are doing okay. I don’t even know when you wrote that letter, but I hope you make your way back here to read mine.

Sending you so much love. I’ll be back.

From... Someone Who Cares, Someone Who Noticed