Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.

People I Left

Dear... People I Left


I'm not sorry it didn't work out.

I hope you are well. I'm not writing this to beg for forgiveness. I don't regret leaving, there is nothing I'm sorry for. All I want to do is explain.

I knew months before it happened that I was running away from you. To put it simply I left because I no longer enjoyed living with you. I grew to dread your company, dodge your touch, and despise you as a person. You abused my love and trust. I was only a child, and I didn't know better. 

There are many things I could hate you for. I could hate you for making me become your therapist. I could hate you for condemning me to hell. I could hate you taking away my privacy. I could hate you for the glares you gave me when my parents came to visit. I could hate you for all that and more. If it had been up to you, I would have stayed chained next to you day and night.

I realize that you needed me in order to fill a void in your life. I know I was meant to replace all the kids that you and your husband could never have. But that was not my job. Those two years were the worst years of my life. I'm better now. I'm far away from you and I am happy about it. I'm still healing from your poison. 

Still, I know I hurt you. You thought I loved you with my whole heart. But in reality, I'm not that good of an actor. You only saw what you wanted to see. And I know you miss me. I will never miss you.

I hope to never see you again. Still, I hope life treats you well.
I'm not sorry it didn't work out.

From... The girl who was never your daughter