Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.

15th November

Dear... 15th November


There come some people in your life who leave you or stop talking to you. You expect so much from them. 5 days you are continuously talking to them and the 6th day you are like "You are my person".

No that's wrong. That's one sided expectation. The truth is you are only friends with them. They are with you to time pass. That's it. Don't expect too much from someone. Especially FRIENDSHIP.

You will end up hurting your self. But when you try to forget that person in your life, you grew up as a new person. Believe me.

Although we never said it to each other, I think we both knew. There was something unusual about us. Something deeply spiritual. The Universe planned for us. I know it.

I know it.

From... 16th December