Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.

It's Too Loud

Dear... It’s Too Loud


Hi, I’m just kind of here to share my trauma I never tell anyone I have. 

In my house, someone is always yelling, no matter what. Someone forgot to do the dishes, dad yells. Laundry isn’t done, mom yells. Siblings don’t want to do something, they yell. It’s a constant yelling match in my house. My dad would come in after work and just ask my siblings to do the laundry and they start yelling because they don’t want to do it. Yell, dad yells back. And it’s a screaming match. I hear everything in the house, so I can hear them yelling. It gets really tiring.

Then, my mom is naturally a loud person, so it’s a lot when she is talking to me and it sounds like she is screaming at me. Then, when I get to school, we have people yelling down the hallway. The cafeteria is small and everyone is trying to talk over each other. Then you got the teachers screaming over them to tell them to be quiet. During pep rally’s for the football team, it’s so loud and we can’t miss it or we would get in trouble. Well everyone is screaming and there is music blasting through the speakers. Then you also have some of my friends that come up behind me and scream in my ears. 

So I’m pretty sure I have sound trauma. Loud noises make me overwhelmed and I panic. I always jump at sudden sounds, even if it’s just the door opening behind me or someone rings a bell. 

You know this might not be trauma I don’t know. Sorry to bother.

From... Overthinker