Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.


Dear... Mucho


First things first.

You were my second love that taught me I needed and deserved better. Although we were young and we went through many insecurities and moments of doubt and mistrust, we fought through a trying tempest.

You cared for me and grew accustomed to my life with open arms and mind, and I only found out what the most important person to me thought of you when it was too late.

And even I contacted you when it was too late.

I wish I could have tried once more about how I really felt that back then, but life has caught up with me now.

I will never forget you, because to put it simply, I can’t and don’t wish to.

I wish you a life with happiness and love, mature and silly.

I wish you'd loved how you looked more and that you'd know that I didn’t find a single flaw on you. You’re truly amazing inside and out.

I'm happy, I really am and I handle the cards I've been dealt well.

To know you’re happy and living is more than enough, but this will be my closure.

Take care.

From... Someone Out There