Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.

No One Really, But If You Read This, Then Good Luck

Dear... No One Really, But If You Read This, Then Good Luck


I’ve finally found my purpose in life. My purpose is to gradually break down over time due to the mental stress and agony inflicted onto me and every other person unlucky enough to be born.

I know this sounds edgy, and no one will even read this, but I don’t know where to turn. I don’t think I have the strength to kill myself, but if I ever manage to, I hope I don’t fail. There is truly nothing good in this world. Any semblance of innocence and decency is snuffed out by the dark. There is no one to know, nowhere to go, and nothing to enjoy. We’re all biding our time until it’s too late.

I see that my options in life are a path of minimum wage, homelessness, or suicide. I’ll either end up rotting away from some type of cancer, have my skull smashed in a back alley, or do myself in. This is not just me, I am only one of billions of unfortunate souls to be pushed out into this hellscape at birth.

Good luck, people, and try to find some peace.

From... Some stupid guy on the internet