Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.

So Today Is My Birthday

Dear... So Today Is My Birthday


Today is my birthday, I’m turning 17
no, I’m not doing anything for my birthday
no, people don't know its my birthday
and I’m ok with it

It just seems so fast, I was 16 yesterday
I never really experienced true friendships, I mean I had friends here and there but not for too long
I have online friends and they are great, I won’t ask for more
all I want to do is continue doing what I enjoy; playing games and chatting with my friends but I know this won't last forever
it makes me sad thinking about how I’ll drift away, how everyone I know will too, drift away.
I want to learn to cherish all these memories I have made with everyone here

Soon, I will have to get a job and try fitting into the 'real world' out there

I don’t feel ready for this
I don’t know what to do
I don’t want to move on

From... your online friend