Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.


Dear... Dear


Hmm let me see. I was gonna write something (very elaborate), but now that I sit down to actually pen it (type it), I realise that there is actually nothing much I want to say.

Half of what I wanted to speak about was my grievances, grudges and regrets. I guess I don't actually want to write it down because in the end listening to my problems wont make a difference to anybody. It would just portray me as someone who is gutless enough to start whining anonymously on some letter website instead of saying the words to the face of the person to whom it should be said.

Well if anyone's reading this I would say to the person... writing out stuff helps with the venting not with the mending. I know what you guys are thinking (why is this crazy person preaching instead of practising?) The answer is pretty simple. Yeah I don't have the courage... but I'm sure I will muster it up someday. Not today, not tomorrow either, maybe not in the next year as well. But Someday, Definitely. 

So my six pence (for all its worth) is to just say it out to the person, the words are to be said. You may be utterly disappointed with what happens afterwards and hate me for giving such a useless suggestion for the next few months, but someday you will realise that the heavy weight you have been lugging around has finally been lifted.

Best wishes and regards, FROM Someone who means the World to Herself