Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.


Dear... Her


There are times where I am confused by your actions but I know that we will never be more than friends. Those days where I drive 30 minutes to just have that little bit of hope that you will come through that door would make me one of the happiest people in that moment. The days where me and you just laugh at the stupidest things and make the dumbest jokes. If I were a guy, would it be different? I am sure it would be. Not even I understand it but I do. I see the person you have become and I am more amazed that you keep it going. The downfall of this all, is no matter how much I give, you will never take, how much I open up to you, you would never do the same towards me.

No matter how hard I try to forget these feelings, they will always come back. I hope you find someone as good as me because honestly, I would have given you the world. I would have never screwed you over time and time again like your relationships in the past. I would have never used you to get what I wanted. I truly hope you find someone that can love and support you the way I do. You will never love me the way I love you and if you are not fighting for answers, then I already got my answer. Thank you for being a friend and only that.

From... The one you never saw coming