Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.


Dear... Someone


I guess every website has its purpose. I have an account on a poetry and diary website and also have an account on Youtube. I don't have any other social media accounts because I try my best to be as authentic as possible, but at the same time I always feel a need to conceal bits of information. Like right now, I would like to think I'm being as real as I possibly can but I know that this is going to be read, so I hold back on thoughts.

After I post this, I will wait in anticipation for it to show up on the website. I like to read others' letters on here too because I feel that people on here are more genuine with their expression as compared to the other websites I am a member of. It seems like a popularity contest in the other ones, but here it feels more sincere and it's a nice feeling.

From... Someone