Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.


Dear... Anna


About two decades back, I came and asked for your daughter's hand in marriage. At that point I think I suffered from over confidence - I did not realize that I came from a weak foundation and suffered significant mental illness.

I pushed ahead with confidence only to realize a few years later that getting your daughter married to me was a huge mistake. I am very SORRY. I can sincerely tell you that I did not intend for this to happen. Please forgive me. I am sorry and I seek your pardon. I wish I could end this life at this very minute - but the sight of your daughter who is dependent on me and the children stop me… and force me to push on with life.

Despite following so many spiritual systems I continue to suffer... and I am very sorry for the same. Please forgive me. I know there is no way to make amends for this now - but I can do nothing else but seek your forgiveness. I am sorry Amma and Anna. Tears fill these eyes.

From...Son in law