Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.


Dear... “Me”


I've read a glimpse of your story, and I can relate to your feelings of finding a job. I am 18 years old and although I am fairly new to the workforce, I too feel this wave of uncertainty. The feelings that engulf me are filled with doubt and anxiety. To be brave is not merely overcoming your struggles and negative thoughts, but rather, I see it as acknowledging what you are feeling. Being brave is understanding yourself and taking the next step. If that means that I have to go to a hundred job interviews or even make a fool of myself, I know that this process means I am one step closer to finding where I am meant to be.

Age does not define one's wisdom, let alone their qualifications. I believe you have talents that many other employees do not. It's only a matter of time where you will find where you want to go, but don't let that time slip away worrying. Preserve, and go out and find where you are meant to be and I promise it will come.

I hope you find your way and good luck.

From... Whoever is Reading This