Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.

My Lover From Another Reality

Dear... My Lover From Another Reality


Where to even start, my love?

I know that you’ll never read or see this but I just feel like I need to put what I’m feeling out into the world.

It really is frustrating that I can never hold you, I can never laugh with you, I can never surf with you, I can never bake with you. I just think that I will forever feel incomplete in this world, for I know that being with you is just out of reach.

Yes, you are supposedly fictional, but you have always been real to me. My mind just doesn’t seem to fully grasp the fact that us being together is impossible and completely, ridiculously and utterly crazy to even think about.

I go to bed and I think about you, I go to sleep and I dream about you and I wake up and wonder what we could have had if you were her. I think about how perfectly we would have fitted together if it were possible.

I truly do love you and will never stop.

From... a girl that’s truly lovesick