Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.

The Little Girl Who Lives Inside of Me

Dear... The Little Girl Who Lives Inside of Me


I'm entering a new chapter of my life which, naturally, causes me to reflect on my life so far. Most of it has been a lot of fun and especially this past year, I have created some amazing memories but I still have bad ones claw their way back into my mind and I catch myself feeling like a scared 15 year old again. 

I feel almost protective of little me, like we are two separate people and she's small and scared and I have to stay strong for her. 

Going to university is a massive change for both of us, I can tell she's nervous when I feel the dull burn in my stomach and having to swallow down her tears. I have no idea how I'm going to manage if I'm honest, but I feel safe when she's with me.

From... Me, to you