Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.


Dear...  Ops


I see that you are in a position of trust within the community. Wonderful! The only problem is you're not very trustworthy, but why let that stop you? After all, you know better than everybody else, right?! Yes, you know everybody is unaware except that one chick that got mad at you because you tried to sleep with her, she shot you down, and you pulled the rug out from underneath her in an attempt to pay back her debt to society with community service. Oh, there's also that other lady, you know the one that you were married to? Does she know?

The truth is, they all know about you. The position you have is an illusion. Those who have known you do not trust you. Those who trust you don't know you. So as the time goes by, and you wonder where you went wrong, you may find more than just a few people who can give commentary. They will come from those who've seen you in action, those who have worked with you, and those who you have exploited. Will you have the courage to listen to what they say? Somehow, I doubt it.

In the end, although you wish the people who called you out would die alone, they won't. The people who called you out will move forward, find love, and know happiness. You will be the one who dies friendless, who lives alone, and who wonders why no one wants to be with them. If you could actually just look at what you do, how you act, the way you've treated the people who cared about you, then you might have some understanding. Until that time, you will wander unaware unwanted and unloved. When the time comes and you die, those who mourn you will shake their heads and wonder what could have been if you had just pulled your head out of your ass.

Love From… Disgusted Observer