Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.


Dear... Bully


He misunderstood, he was hurt, he shot her.

She understood, he shot her and she bravely took the bullet, it was not a fatal wound. But she was not the same again.

His conscience disturbed him, found himself in a knot with guilt but was not ready to take responsibility, after all he has to maintain his reputation.

His guilt landed him in the war zone again, this time too, she had the grenade and him nearby.

This time she pulled the pin, but threw the grenade away so it burst just loud enough to shake the ground he was standing.

Her ground shook too but he is alive and not hurt. She walked away.

He thinks he won the war, but did he?

Or was it her kindness?

If yes, did she win?

Did anyone win?

She walked away so that both of them do not kill each other.

The other soldiers laughed at her. They said she did not even have a real grenade, she is a comic character, bragging away.

You see, the grenade and the noise was audible only for him and her.

She did not have anything to prove to the other soldiers, all she had to prove was to herself.

Let them laugh at you. It is ok. You were born to build people up, not tear them down and that is your victory.

She hopes he would not dare to take a gun again. What do you think?

From... The Warrior Princess