Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.

Ex Best Friend

Dear... Ex Best Friend


I know that you think I'm an asshole, but you should know why I cut you off 'just like that' so you won't go spreading rumors about me, which you've probably already done.

Since 5th grade, you've been the bestest friend anyone could ever ask for. We always used our money only on each other, or went to school together, or went home together, hung out together, we did EVERYTHING together. But then you met her, and YOU MADE ME fight for you. You always said to me that you don't know why she thinks you guys are best friends or why she hates me. You ditched me as soon as someone better came towards you, and that hurt. But I didn't say anything. You guys fell off, so you came back to me and I accepted you. Only for you to make me push away the one person who truly cared about me, a.k.a my girlfriend at the time. You told me that she manipulated me all the time, but instead the one who manipulated me was you.

I never understood why it was so important for you to have me all by yourself, even though you had SO MANY friends. We became good friends again, until we both switched schools because high school happened. I made new friends there, and you were happy for me. Until you realized how close we got. You wanted to hang out with me all the time, you said things like "I don't think they like me" or "your new friends are weird". You always used to get mad if I canceled our plans for something really important or if I didn't cancel my plans because you wanted to hang out.

As we moved to 8th grade, we had our first real fight. We didn't talk for days until I apologized. I never quite understood why I had to be the one to apologize always. You had never apologized for anything. As we moved to 8th grade, our friendship was on and off, so my friends started to hate you. They always told me how toxic you were, and that you were quite manipulative. I never believed them, because hey... that's my best friend, she wouldn't do that. As we moved to 9th grade, I had to switch schools again. And even though my schools and your houses distance was like 8km from your house to my house and the bus ride was like an hour, I still managed to visit you weekly. Even though i told you MILLIONS of times that we're having hard times at home, you didn't do anything. I used to tell you about my problems, lately, I haven't told you anything because I didn't trust you anymore. I made new friends, internet friends, you hated them too. You didn't like the fact that i made new friends, the ones I actually enjoy being with.

Fast forward, you met a dude. You liked him a lot, even called it love. I told you not to trust him, but you didn't really care about my feelings. You were on your phone all the time when we hung out, and your boyfriend straight up bullied me but you did nothing about it. And when you guys broke up, you didn't even tell me first. Apparently he left you, for some other girl. I told you that you couldn't trust him. You told me next morning though, so it's okay, right? I wanted to comfort you, but you didn't let me because you said you're better and basically emotionless. I tried to give you a hug, but you basically pushed me away. Then you got a new friend, that you talked about all the f**king time, it annoyed the shit out of me. I stayed quiet though, because I'm not like you.

Until Tuesday, January 21, 2020 I told you that I didn't want to be friends anymore. You took it pretty badly, you told me that me and your ex are exactly the same and that I'm pathetic. I'll admit, it hurt. But now it's been like 4 days, and I realized that I don't need your toxic negativity around me or my friends, goodbye.

From... your ex best friend