Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.

Guy Who Devalued My Job

Dear... Guy Who Devalued My Job


It was hard to hear that you thought that my grocery store job deserved less than a living wage. The fact that you thought that mere "jobs" should pay poorly so that people would follow career paths spoke to a naivete I wish I could follow.

You said that my job and "burger flipping" jobs should be stepping stones for high school students. In my experience very few high school students stick with the job long enough to be proficient, yet most customers expect a high level of proficiency when they visit my store.

The fact is, there are many essential, low partying jobs that are discredited. The maintenance guy, cashier, restaurant worker who makes your life better is not seen as worthwhile. I wonder how you would think if we weren't there.

People complain that our cashiers aren't fast enough, knowledgeable enough, or friendly enough, but they don't defend the workers who are there long term and who legitimately try. If you want us to be paid poorly, expect a poor experience. Otherwise, support us when we tell you we deserve more.

From... fed up cashier