Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.


Dear... Madi


When we started getting closer this year, I really thought I'd found my F&A and we went strong for a while! But, all goodish things must come to an end I guess...

I say goodISH because it wasn't until I talked to Alex about you and I, that I realized we have a kind of toxic relationship. Because I was always there for you and when I needed you, you pushed me away.

I was also always so nice to you and you always said I was mean or annoying for no reason. I was way too forgiving of everything you did because I wanted so badly for US to work out.

It kind of sucks that I’m writing this right now and I wish I wasn't.

I hope we can still be friends just not as close. Please don’t be mad.

From… someone you used to love