Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.

Old Friend

Dear... Old Friend


I know it’s been quite some time since I last spoke with you. I’m sorry that I delayed my plans to come visit you. I just had a lot of things coming up and I couldn’t miss it for the world.

I’m not ready to leave yet. There’s just so much to do right now and I’m sorry for making you think I was going to come over soon. I was just very impulsive in my decision making.

Please say “hello” to my grandfather. Let him know that I won’t join him anytime soon. There’s so many things that I love and I’m not going to be doing them any favors by just abandoning them now.

I promise you when all is said and done, I will come to you. I hope that you will welcome me with open arms.

So for now I’m going to reject your invitation. If you decided to barge into my life and take me away, I won’t be upset. For now though, just let me live. I promise I will take you out for that lunch that I promised you so long ago.

Til next time, my old friend.

If you see this, somehow by fate, I just hope you know who it is…

From... Your Closest Friend