Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.


Dear... Someone


I’m not sure if I’m good enough or deserve to have a happy life.

My only friend in person isn’t talking to me and I just feel like I’m losing everyone. I’ve known her since elementary school, we became friends and stuck through hardships together but now it seems like it’s slowly fading away.

I don’t feel like anyone loves me and I’m trying to find things in life to make me happy. But I’m so tired. I’ve felt this way since I was 11 maybe. I’m 18 now and gonna be 19 this November and I don’t have any hope of being happy.

But if anyone feels like they don’t deserve happiness or love, I love you and you’re not alone. The right people in your life will come and the people who aren’t will go, but I’m very proud of you.

From... someone who loves you