Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.


Dear... Myself


Hi me,

I’m reaching for you and you're not there. I know that you're lonely, we’re lonely, and that can't be helped. We chose to be out and proud and that's fine but do you ever think it would be better if we never said anything? Kept the truth from everyone? We would've had a girlfriend, someone to love, but we’re just slowly drifting into oblivion. I just want to be happy, is that bad?

I think I deserve love to but I guess the universe has another plan for me. I just wish we would be happy for once, we always help others but not ourselves. Put yourself out there more, maybe that might help, maybe it won't but still try because if you don't you may not know and honestly stop comparing yourself to others. You compare yourself to books, movies, shows. You want to fit in so bad but you don't, you stand out.

Honestly I don't even know why we're writing this letter but I feel it’s helping. Hopefully I can put us back together because I sincerely miss you.

From… J