Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.


Dear... …


You have already broke me. I've built my walls for a reason but then I tore them down for you. Vulnerable, but comfortable with you because you were my person. But then you still chose to f**k me over, left me to feel miserable about myself, left me alone after everything we've been through.

I've been through nights doubting my worth and what I really was to you. If what I did was too much or was I really just an annoyance to you? Maybe I just need to tone things down and put my feelings aside again. Those questions about myself brought me down. I was not myself nor was I feeling like myself. I was lost for sometime but there you were, hanging out with another girl while I was hopelessly waiting for you.

I broke. Everything around me doesn't make sense anymore. I've had panic attacks. I woke up in the middle of the night crying so hard that I had to cover my sobs. When you told me you loved me, was it really true? Did I misread it? Was I assuming? Was I too much? Was I really the only one who took our relationship seriously?

This is because of you. Even you couldn't tear down the walls you've built yourself.

From... …