Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.


Dear... America


Feel free to assume what you must of me. I am NOT what you think, with the exception of I AM HUMAN, I AM AMERICAN, and I AM FLAWED.

I sit behind a screen as most do now, scrolling through Twitter, Instagram, SnapChat, Facebook, news outlets,Youtube and other channels to receive information about the world today. Whether it be local, national, worldly, or mindless rabbit holes. I admit I watch it all. I scroll, click, skim more so over the past six months than ever. I find myself rolling my eyes, really reading some items, and others outwardly saying this is a joke. I see the posts, I view the articles, I watch the videos, and I observe with questions. Yet say nothing, do nothing, and skip over with a sinking feeling of there is nothing I can do.

My town is lost, my city is lost, my state is lost, my country is lost. I have watched America’s divide widen and crack larger than ever of these past six months.

I watched as America began “Shelter in Place” from town to cities to states. I watched the determination of what is considered “essential” and what is not. I watched as American corporations make changes for their employees to be safe, by offering work from home options.

I also watched American corporation Owners, CEO’s and VP’s not do anything for their employees. I watched as America's small businesses made accommodations to save the businesses they built. Also, watching America's small businesses close their doors for good.

I clicked, scrolled, watched and read as our American education system took on the role of online learning. Parents struggling with homeschooling and others excelling.

I watched and scrolled through endless information concerning our American healthcare system. I clicked, read, scrolled and watched America’s healthcare workers be condemned and praised all in the same sentence. I watched numbers rise and numbers decrease.

I watched, read, clicked and scrolled through news outlets blaming each other for America's pandemic. I observed they said, they did, he said, she said, not become united as America began to unravel. News outlets force feeding fear and dumbing down all that is happening in America, when all I wanted was the actual truth.

I saw American’s counter each other's safety and personal beliefs. American’s condemning each other for not speaking up or having an opinion to which another does not agree. I clicked, read, scrolled and watched social media turn right and left. Family, Friends and Foes divide over social media political beliefs.

I scrolled through posts of symptoms, hoarding toilet paper, taking advantage of supply and demand. I have seen America from one extreme to the next. I clicked, read, scrolled, and watch American’s lose their jobs, struggle to stay afloat. Watch American’s thrive through the past six months. American's buying homes and American's losing their homes.

I watch American celebrities use the platform we have given them through social media for good, and also as they have failed.

I am watching, reading, clicking, and scrolling as America begins to lift restrictions set by states, cities and towns. I am reading, watching, clicking and scrolling as American’s stand up for their right to return to normal, while Americans also are scared.

I am clicking, scrolling, reading, and watching as America’s states, cities and towns postpone and cancel events, from Graduations to Marathons and events we built America on. I view the guidelines set forth by our states, cities and towns, while seeing Americans push back.

I listened, read, watched, scrolled, clicked as America’s headline shifted from freedom of rights, fear and anger.

I am clicking, scrolling, reading, watching and listening to news outlets, Facebook, SnapChat, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter change the narrative to what suits them now.

I read, watch, scroll, click and listen about an American human whose death was captured on video by a witnessing bystander. I scroll, read, watch and wonder why the witnesses did not step into help? Fear, retaliation against them or their families?

I clicked, scrolled, watched and read as a few American Law Enforcement officials failed to abide by the oath they took to hold their American positions.

I click, watch, read, listen and scroll as news outlets continue to divide, set fear and blame. I read, listen, watch, scroll and click as human Americans unite.

I scroll, watch, listen, read, and click as law makers, from Congress, Senate all the way up the American government do as I do. They’re watching, scrolling, clicking, reading and NOT listening to the Americans.

I see cities, towns and states leaders watching, scrolling, reading, clicking, listening, trying to offer empathy and guidance for Americans rights, fears and anger, while pushing politics.

~I read, watch, click, scroll and view American’s unite and divide in the same breath. I scroll, read, click, watch, listen and wonder why we American’s are destroying what our peers have built?

I scroll, listen, read, watch, click and see human Americans band together with our American Law Enforcement to stand up for what's right.

I watch, click, read, scroll, listen and see as America implodes from every angle.

I click it. I read it.
I scroll through it.
I watch it.
I listen to it.
I see it.

I watch, click, read, scroll, listen and see as American Government is failing Americans from BOTH parties.
I watch, click, scroll, and read as Americans do on this day and age.
I scroll to find the average of our American Government is near or at “retirement age”.
I watch American leaders out of touch with us the American people.
I listen as our American youth has a delusion of want and get without values.
I click as our middle aged Americans are torn about what age brings them and how to guide our american youth for change.
I read as American elders reflect upon “simpler times”.

I scroll through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube and News outlets seeing the American options, the voice Americans have, the choice Americans can make to wrong the right and right the wrongs.

I am a FLAWED HUMAN AMERICAN who clicks, reads, listens, scrolls, watches, wonders and see’s options given for our American future honestly suck! VOTE? November? For who?

America's options: A 73 year old man all about big business or a 77 year old man all about big business.

I am a FLAWED HUMAN AMERICAN who clicks, reads, listens, scrolls, watches, wonders and see’s we need change.
I am a FLAWED HUMAN AMERICAN who clicks, reads, listens, scrolls, watches, wonders and see’s from behind a screen with no real direction like most of us FLAWED HUMAN AMERICANS.

January 1, 2020 - May 31, 2020