Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.


Dear… Bae


Sorry if I had to do it.. I’m just scared by my past experience. I know you have a great plan for us, but I don’t think I can even bear another one. Maybe some other year I can accept it, but not today.

I just felt bad about myself that I can’t even handle it correctly. I’M DEPRESSED AND MOSTLY STRESSED ABOUT LIFE. To think it was a blessing, but for me it was the hardest thing…

Baby I love you, but the world is so cruel for us to live. The troubled times your sisters’ felt is the one I can’t afford for you to experience. It’s hard and breaking me, but I don’t want you to feel how toxic our life can be. 😭😭😭

From… Someone needs to be understood