Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.

The Unknown

Dear... The Unknown


As I'm sat here listening to Harry Styles while writing this, I don't really how to put what I feel into words. All I want to know is whether I am strong enough to deal with what is to come in the future.

I’m already struggling with life even though I'm still young. I don't want to grow up. I don't want to have to live in a society that looks at me like a piece of meat.

I really don't want to live my life alone but I still crave a life of silence. School stresses me out completely with its stupid expectations that I know I will never achieve. I feel so out of place with society and the world. I constantly feel like I'm living some kind of nightmare that is inescapable.

I really hope that at some point in my life I will finally feel peace and like I belong. Even if it’s when I take my last breath, I'm still ok with that.

I hope that one day I will truly love myself for who I am and finally be able to be who I really am.

Hope. that's all we can go on, right?

From... a lost soul