Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.


Dear... Stranger


I can’t sleep.

At night, it gets quiet – too quiet that the creepy, ugly, bitter voices in my head that are muffled murmurs in the day, become loud and crystal clear monologues. They wreak havoc within my soul, berating and forcing me to think of things that make me want to blow my head off. So I scroll through my feed, play games, watch movies, read, I talk to random people. Anything to keep me from being alone with my own thoughts. Anything to muffle the evil. I blink, and it’s morning again. Time to wake up for my 8-5 job as a corporate slave, looking and feeling like a zombie because of lack of sleep. But it’s a welcome distraction. When the day is over, and I can hear the monsters whispering again, I will myself to keep my eyes open and keep the monsters at bay. It’s a cycle that I can’t seem to escape from. Someday, I will have to, in any which way.

From... lonelygirl