Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.

My Lonely Heart

Dear... My Lonely Heart


I know you have been through a lot these few years. I know you keep on wondering why you don't have a boyfriend yet at your age. Please bear it a little.

Even though nobody wants you and one of your best friends walks away from you, you have to know that there are other people are care about you without you knowing. There are others who love you; your family, your friends, even your cat loves you.

If you feel lonely try to sing some songs to relieve your heart. I pray that I will have a loving boyfriend that will love me sincerely. I pray for my cgpa will increase so that you will get a better job or able to continue on your degree.

For your unrequited love, just let him be.

From… Your thoughtful mind