Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.

Acting The Same

Dear... Acting The Same


Why I act the same with everyone:

1. I’m afraid of falling in love because my first love broke me.
2. I’m over sensitive to others’ pain.
3. I can feel others
4. I make scenarios in my head of the worst and believe it.
5. I know nothing lasts
6. I always hope someone better will fill my gap
7. I love being alone/ independent
8. I’m good at playing games but I don’t won’t to hurt anyone.
9. My inner self is a mess, devastated ruin
10. If they want more, they’ll tell me directly


But do I act the same with them, or do I just have to talk to everyone so the one I like or love won’t realize?
I do try to spend time with them, but ignorance kills me inside so I’m not gonna show it.
Do I remember everything but don’t want to put my badge on them?
Am I the worst enemy to myself?

Nobody knows. Nobody loves me. There is God and me. Crowds of people passing by, never looking back.

And this is enough. I’m thankful!

From… I’m nobody’s ray of sun