Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.


Dear... Dad



I don’t know where to begin. Every day I wake up thinking I can FaceTime you whenever my daughter does something funny or special and then I realize you aren’t here. You always knew I was going to have a baby girl just like me, and here she is without you here. I never ever imagined doing this without you. No matter how far you lived from me... you were just a phone call away. I miss your voice. I miss the way you called me your Soni. I miss your jokes, the way you annoyed mom and how hard you laughed until you couldn’t breathe. I miss your pure heart. I could go on for days about how much I miss about you. Dad, where are you? I have this feeling you’re right here, but nobody seems to talk about how you feel about your loved ones when they’re gone.

I know you’re watching. Listening... praying for us. Dad, I wish I could come home. Some days this is so so hard. I wish I could talk to you and find comfort in your voice. You lit up our lives. You picked me up and held me when I was down. I know you think I can do it on my own, but I don’t know if I can. I know one day I’ll see you again, but until then dad it isn’t enough ... I’m sorry. I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you the way you were always there for me. I wish I was better. Stronger. Giving you the love you deserved all your life. You fought so hard for all of us, until you couldn’t fight anymore. I never thought that would be the last time I heard your voice. I wish I could replay it in my head again and again, but the truth is, it takes me some time now to hear you. I feel with time the memories are fading... and I hate it.

I miss you and I just want to be home. You were and always will be my home... my safe space.

Until we meet again, your Soni. Love you forever and always.

From... Your Soni, always and forever