Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.

My Friend

Dear... My Friend


You're one of the only boys I've ever liked. And I don't know how to tell you, because you know I like girls, and you see dating as trivial.

The summer's started, which means I won't see you for a while. I hope you have a good summer. I'm sure going to miss you. Maybe more than anyone else.

I can't tell you how much I value you, even though I hate your stupid tallness and your stupid smartness. Part of me wants to pursue you, but part of me wishes these feelings never existed in the first place. Heh. I'm just imagining you giving some of that painfully obvious advice. "So? Just choose." Yeah, that definitely sounds like you. You can be a real smartass, you know? Haha. See you next year.

From… Your annoying friend