Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.

My Ex Who I Thought Was My Forever

Dear... My Ex Who I Thought Was My Forever


We ended on bad terms which is what I had never wanted for us.

We ended 6 months ago but didn't officially end, we still kept in touch, so it was still like you were a part of my life. However, we tried so hard to make each other what we wanted. But for some reason it didn't work out. You found someone else and completely let me go without looking back. 

The last thing you said to me was you hated me. I never wanted that to happen. I wanted to be the person you loved always. However, this letter is not to discuss how I am sad we ended because that is true, but I think we both are. I understand you're mad right now and want to hurt me but think we both need to take the time to accept what has happened. I want to thank you for the memories you gave me over the time we were together. You helped shape me into the person I am. I grew up with you, I graduated high school and college with you. 

I don't always focus on the bad times, which is a good thing, I realize there was a lot of rough times where we hurt each other but there was also a lot of good times which I hold close to my heart. I truly wish nothing but happiness for you. You were a huge part of my life for a very long time, and I truly do wish we didn't end this way but unfortunately it did. I'm no longer angry at what happened as I finally have accepted what has happened. I hope whatever happens in your future brings you happiness because like I said I will always have a special place in my heart for you, you were my first and I wouldn't change any of it.

Lastly, like I said I wish I didn't have to lose you altogether because that is what hurts me the most. But I hope you grow in your new life without me and learn what makes you happy, because I know I wasn't that for you.

Once again I'm sorry for all that has happened, and I hope that one day you learn to forgive me. But for now I'm letting you go... finally free.

From… Your first love