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Fictional Character

Dear... Fictional Character


It's not healthy for me to be so in love with you. Here, the phrase 'in love' is used loosely, to mean having a deep appreciation and affection for the object of ones thoughts. Still, it's an unhealthy feeling to have. It's an unhealthy obsession.

The thing with Fictional Characters is that they are the result of a person's imagination. I'm very aware of that. And as such, they may have pieces here and there of their creator's personality, or of the personality of someone they once knew, someone they know, or traits they fantasize about. The product of such imaginations can vary. Some are rather unpleasant. Some are all too similar to some people we know, good or bad. Others we wish we knew, just as I wish I knew you.

The product, in your case, of the imagination of your creator is a manifestation of the loveliest qualities a man can have. Kindness, intelligence, tenderness, compassion, heroism. And the less pleasant qualities which we acknowledge are unfavorable but yet have a charm, a certain appeal to them which actually make them endearing: awkwardness, a spot of shyness, sass, sarcasm, maybe a bit of a flaring temper - one still in control. You, my dear Fictional Character, are the embodiment of all these things. And to be vain, you are easy on the eyes. Handsome, but not the kind of handsome you see in Hollywood. Not the beefed up, slicked back, shiny toothy grinned, designer clothes, kind of handsome. No, you are the soft looking, open faced, kind eyes, sweet smile, cardigan, sweater, and button-up wearing kind of handsome.

Imaginary though you are, you make my heart figuratively skip a beat when you grace my TV screen with your presence. At other times you make me angry. You have the ability to inspire feelings in me, for better or worse. Yes, I know you aren't real. But for the moment it feels like you are. And my feelings are not imaginary. Those are real to be sure. They are produced by very real signals in my brain. Those signals are caused by your actions.

In truth, though I see you as the perfect prototype of a man, I am not 'in love' with you as we can say your equally fictional Wife is, for example. In that way, I am certainly not 'in love' with you. I've never shared any moments with you to be able to amass those feelings in my heart for you. But as stated before, the 'in love' part comes from the admiration and affection that I do feel. 'If only', many people think with regards to their Fictional Loves, 'if only there was a man like him in the real world'. Maybe there is, granted. But here's where I find myself thinking, 'If only I could have the honor, the pleasure of meeting such a man'.

That kind of a man is incredibly hard to find in the real world, dearest Fictional Character. They are so few and far between, even as they are in your Fictional World in the Fictional Show you belong to. They are true gems when they are found. Alas, I have yet to stumble upon such a treasure. Perhaps one day my heart will be full to the point of bursting from the love and affection I may feel for someone special like you. I imagine that feeling, the feeling of fullness in your chest and a tender warmth that radiates within you. I long to feel that way one day about a man just like you, my dearest Fictional Character.

To wrap up my gentle musings, I will say this: fictional or not, your presence in my life has been a joy and a blessing. Hard as it is to accept or even believe, you have created an impact. I have learned from you, I have taken courage from you, I have drawn comfort from you. It is unhealthy. An unhealthy obsession. But I am so in love with you.

From... Your Real World Kindred Spirit