Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.

I Wished

Dear... I Wished


I had a lot of wishes when I was a kid, most of them where unheard and some of them were answered but not in a way that I was expecting them to be.

Still, I was happy but then I grew up but not in a way that I wanted to, not in a way that my parents expected me to. They had a lot of hopes for me but somehow, somewhere in my life I grew up with a lot of anxiety. By the time I was in my teens, my wishes grew absurd and I knew it, but I still wished.

I wished my parents weren't divorced or that they were still together; I wished I could undo all my past mistakes; I wished I could go back in time and tell myself what I knew now; I wished that somehow all these ridiculous wishes would be granted by some all-powerful being that coincidentally heard them. But we all know that they're just in fairy-tales or in some fantasy stories.

Now I'm in my 20s, a woman who no longer wishes, knowing that wishes are just for kids who have been told by their parents to wish for it, because if they wish it hard enough it might come true.

Now that I think about it I'm probably just a woman in her 20s who's bitter about life in a room in her dad's house with about $6 as her wealth and no future at all.

From... the one who still wants to wish