Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.

Future Husband

Dear... Future Husband


11th May 2020

I've been thinking about you these days and I hope you know that I've been missing you for a while now. I really wish that you would come soon.

But I know, I need to love myself first and build myself to be a better version of me that will match your better version of yourself.

I also know that I will love you in the future and we will grow old together. Just don't make me wait for you that long. I miss you already.

I can't wait for the day when we'll listen to our favorite songs together, laugh and talk about silly things and hold hands while we're walking together. I'm such a hopeless romantic and it's not hard to tell.

I also want to enjoy a date with you where we'll enjoy the morning air drinking coffee and look at each other with so much love.

I guess I got too carried away with this letter and wrote so many things but I reckon that's how much I would love to meet you.

Whoever you are, I know you'll be perfect and lovely to me. Don't forget to be a gentleman and sweep me off my feet. Haha.

With love,

From... Your Future Wife